About Rainpharma
RainPharma is made in Belgium. We make honest, no-nonsense products for radiant skin, a healthy weight and a strong body.
The idea originated in 2006. But because we set the bar so high, it took until 2010 for the first products to roll off the production line. First there were state-of-the-art orthomolecular nutritional supplements, then we launched the RainPharma shakes, a range of high-quality protein shakes. An ingenious skin care system for the face and an extensive line of natural pampering products for the body followed. And we continue to expand our range!
Both development and production are carried out in Belgium by a multidisciplinary team of top experts. Hocus pocus ingredients and exaggerated claims are not for us. We resolutely choose to keep our products affordable, without sacrificing quality or efficiency. Belgian sobriety at its best.
We are proud of our heritage and work locally as much as possible. Because Belgium is a small country, we are also dependent on our neighbors. Our bottles and broccoli come from Germany, our tubes are made in the Netherlands, our shopping bags are Italian and we get several of our essential oils and our clay in France.